• Carbon footprint

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Life Cycle of Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint refers to the greenhouse gases emitted from human activities, especially gases such as carbon dioxide that have a significant impact on climate change, causing environmental impacts. The life cycle of carbon footprint refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases released during the entire life cycle of a product, service, or activity. It typically includes the following stages:

Stage Description
Production Stage Greenhouse gas emissions released during the production of raw materials, such as carbon dioxide and methane emitted from fuel combustion.
Transportation Stage Greenhouse gas emissions released during the transportation of products or raw materials, such as fuel combustion and energy consumption of transportation vehicles.
Usage Stage Greenhouse gas emissions released during the use of products, such as energy consumption and fuel combustion.
Disposal Stage Greenhouse gas emissions released during the disposal, recycling, and reuse processes of products, such as carbon dioxide and methane emitted during incineration.
Considering the life cycle of carbon footprint helps assess its environmental impact and promotes measures to reduce carbon footprint.